Spring has really come at last. There were Primroses, Violets, Wood Sorrel and Wood Anemone in flower, and I heard the Cuckoo for the first time this year. High up among the snow patches I spotted a Wheatear.

Mostly about natural history in Scotland, UK
Here are some good places to look for more information:
Written by an Icelander, but in English, gives a real feel for what it´s like to be there. Lots of videos and links to other interesting sites, and if you were worried about breathing in volcanic dust, just look at the video of "Driving through volcanic ash"
3 movie webcams. The locations vary from time to time, but currently "Eyjafjallajökull frá Hvolsvelli" is giving the best view
This Swiss site has some excellent photos of the eruption
Current satellite views of Iceland which can be viewed at various resolutions. View previous days by clicking on the "prev" button
Icelandic news in English, with lots of articles about the eruption
Yesterday evening Fred and I decided to go and see if the sunset was better than usual. We weren't convinced that it was more brightly coloured, but at least it was free of vapour trails.
Now I will attempt to post this, hoping that Blogger can cope with all those funny Icelandic letters.
Soon after leaving the forestry track for the hill path I found a beetle which I didn't recognise. I later identified it as Carabus nitens, which is described as a very local species, and I am grateful to Jeanne Robinson who confirmed this ID.
Near the top of the track is a large boulder called Rob Roy's Putting Stone.
Distribution maps of ground beetles including Carabus nitens