I like this group of conifers, with a light dusting of snow making them look like Christmas trees.

Below is a view to the Campsies taken in Milngavie.
Mostly about natural history in Scotland, UK
The flowers are unusual in that they have 6 petals. I was curious to find what other dicotyledonous plants have flowers with 6 petals, and the first I discovered was Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), and this turns out to be in the same family as the Crepe Myrtle (Lythraceae). Earlier this week I was out walking with a friend and we came across some Purple Loosestrife.
We also have it growing in our garden. Most (but not all) of the flowers have 6 petals.
Two days later, I was out walking again and we came across the other member of this family which commonly grows wild in the UK - Water-purslane (Lythrum portula). This is quite an insignificant plant which sprawls on mud.